Monday, October 3, 2011

Who's in Control?

Everything we do on the internet does not go unnoticed. From Facebook to Google, the internet will base its results on what we do. It narrows things down because it thinks it is helping. This is not always a good thing because not everything we search should be customized to us. Say you are doing a project or paper where you cannot be biased, it will be hard to find neutral information because everything you find will be geared towards how you feel. Also on Facebook, it shows you what it thinks you want to see. Computers do not know what you want and you could miss important news and information if you are not seeing everything. In the movie we watched there was a quote by Eric Schmidt, "it will be very hard for people to watch or consume something that has not in some sense been tailored for them." He is saying how people will just become so used to everything being created for them. If they were to see something different they may be upset or ignorant to it because they are not exposed to everything. It is good to have to look through many different things to find what you are looking for because then you can come across other information that you many not have seen otherwise. I do not think it is a very good idea to have everything created for you because people can change and you need to know everything thats happening around us, not just the things you want you to hear.

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